Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Take some chances, keep moving forward. Don't worry about falling. It's not that far... and... there's plenty of company

The High Line NYC, summer 2013
Taking chances:"Now is the time to take chances." Sage words of advice I uttered to a family member who is in his 20s and considering a move out of state. I need to take my own advice.

 I've always worried about falling in the figurative way and perhaps, literal too. Really though, it's not that far. Plus, guess what? There is plenty of company. Everyday people take risks. Inventing the next big thing, fighting for democracy or civil rights, battling personal illness, overcoming obstacles. Sometimes we fall, sometimes we don't. That's what makes us improve and get better. Remember when you first learned how or taught someone you love to ride a bike? Taking little chances, letting go of the seat turned into a really big accomplishment. Letting go and riding independently was freedom. Remember your inner smile, remember theirs? Confidence, independence, freedom. Who doesn't want to touch more of those qualities? Sometimes falling, getting scraped up and trying again makes us stronger, resilient and fosters good growth. We are all a work- in- progress, always evolving. Scrapes, scars and stories.
orchids from Annie